A pair a day keeps the doctor away! Unless we’re talking about Dr. Scholl, whose footwear should be a staple in everyone’s spring rotation.
Introducing the newest addition to TOWER’s growing family, Scholl certainly knows a think or two about footwear - however, 100 years ago, Scholl was not the brand we see on TOWER’s shelves today.
This brand focus puts us at the feet of Dr. William Mathias Scholl, whose quest to understand the structure and biomechanics of feet resulted in a product that cares more about your ‘soles’ than anyone else.
At the age of 17, Dr. Scholl moved to Chicago, pursuing a role in a small shoe shop that specialised in comfortable footwear. Inspired by the number of customers complaining about painful foot trauma on a daily basis, he went on to enrol in medical school and learn everything there is to know about the human body - specifically, the anatomy and physiology of feet.

Qualifying as a doctor at the age of 22, 1904 was the year that Scholl patented invention number one, the Foot-Eazer; an insert that users may slot into inside their shoe for an elevated sense of arch support, providing reinforcement where technologically void brands would miss. Three years later, Scholl Manufacturing Co. Inc. was founded.
Nearly a decade after founding Illinois’ College for Chiropody and Orthopaedics, Scholl launched his first line in footwear design that specifically cared for the anatomy of your foot, followed by Dr. Scholls bestselling insoles 20 years later.

Scholl marked its 100 year anniversary by implementing an all-new, all-encompassing brand identity companywide - introducing a range of fresh foot care products to complement footwear that continually promises a fashionable take on everyday comfort. Major Italian designers were welcomed at 2008’s peak, embodying Scholl’s lifelong conundrum of, “How to improve people’s comfort, health and well-being by caring for their feet,” without hesitation.
In light of Scholl’s rise to 2021 Haute Comfort acclaim, we reflect on four ingredients that set the modernised recipe of Dr. William Mathias Scholl’s underfoot care ahead of competitors.
True comfort, Italian design, certified technologies and a factor close to TOWER’s heart - Scholl’s low-impact footprint.
Think Scholl is the brand for you? Join us at tower-london.com where we have an array of great product to choose from!
We’ll see you there.